Vehicle Insurance
Car Insurance
Motor insurance covers you against loss, damage, theft to your motor vehicle. There are 3 types of car insurance available, comprehensive cover, third party cover, third party fire and theft cover.
Furthermore, with our speedy processing promise, we commit to process your claims within 5 working days upon submission of all the required documents. |
Key Benefits: |
Convenient Payment Methods |
- Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, e-Wallet are accepted.
SmartDrive Assistance Plan |
AXA SmartDrive Assistance Plan (ASAP) is a roadside assistance program when you insure your car, the key benefits of ASAP you can expect are: |
- 24/7 Emergency Hotline Service for Immediate Assistance and General Claims
- Towing Services
- 6 Months Repair Warranty
- And Many More!
Smart Protection Policy |
- Adds an Additional Layer of Protection Against Accidents or Injuries for Just 17 Cents a Day.
- Covers Worldwide Medical Expenses, Permanent Disablements and Death Resulting From Road Accidents.
- Unlimited Towing Services.
Choose from any of our 3 affordable plans which suits your budget and needs.
Driver & Passengers Protection
Covers Driver, Passengers, and Authorized Driver in the event of a road accident.
Key Benefits: |
- Protection Against Bodily Injuries, or Disablement Caused by Road Accident
- Alternative Treatment
- 24/7 Unlimited Emergency Towing Services
- Additional Cash Pay-Out Up To 20% of Sum Insured
- Protection Against Car Window Snatch Theft
- ATM Withdrawal Protection Over Robbery or Snatch Theft
- Car Replacement Allowance